Top 10 New Guns in 2017 10. Zastava M92/ M95/ M101 Zastava M92, Zastava M95, Zastava M101 The Zastava M92 AK-47 rifle manufactured in Serbia was named the “Gun of the Year” in 2016, and the rifle earned a spot on this year’s list, too.
In 2015, the Croatian hunting rifle known as the “pivnica” was the first gun to win the coveted “Gun of the Year” title. Dubbed “the gun of the future” and dubbed “the gun of the future”, the Pivnica (literally translated to “gun of the year”) became a symbol of Croatian pride, a symbol of Croatia’s prowess in the hunting industry and a symbol of the hopes of Croatian hunters everywhere. However, after a few months, the Pivnica was pulled off the market by the Croatian government, which owned the company that imported the gun.

The Croatian company Grada operated under the name of “Gunstar” was planning to sell the “Gun of the Year”, which is a .50 caliber semiautomatic rifle, on American soil. The Gunstar Arms M50 is a bolt-action rifle designed be used by law enforcement and military agencies. It is a semi-automatic rifle that can fire 5 shots per second and has a maximum range of 500 meters.
Customers of the Springfield XD-S handgun in 9mm calibers have been encouraged by American weapons maker Springfield Armory to. Due to structural flaws, owners of a 45 ACP handgun with a single row of ammo canisters were asked to surrender their firearms.

According to the newspaper Jutarnji list, the weapon, which is marketed in the United States under the name Springfield, is really a handgun made by the Croatian firm HS Produkt in Karlovac. The XD-S.45 ACP is a new product by HS Produckt, and it was awarded a pistol of the year in the United States last year. Springfield’s official website encourages all owners of these weapons to properly empty them and return them for free to the manufacturer, where the updated elements of the security mechanism will be included within 10-12 weeks.
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